
Tyled currently supports three different kinds of Tilesets:

Collection Tileset

A Collection Tileset is composed of tiles with images stored in separate files

name = 'mytileset'
type = 'collection'

firstgid = 1
source = 'sticker-knight/map'

This example will generate mytileset.tsx in the current working directory

Orthogonal Tileset

An Orthogonal Tileset is composed of tiles that have the same dimensions in one image file

name = 'mytileset'
type = 'orthogonal'

firstgid = 1
source = 'platformer/tiles'
tilewidth = 128
tileheight = 128
spacing = 0
margin = 0
columns = 12

This example will generate mytileset.tsx and mytileset.png in the current working directory

Atlas Tileset

An Atlas Tileset is composed of tiles that do not have the same dimensions in one image file

name = 'mytileset'
type = 'atlas'

firstgid = 0
source = 'sticker-knight/map'
width = 1024
height = 1024
spacing = 0
margin = 0

This example will generate mytileset.tsx and mytileset.png in the current working directory


If you want a more compact spritesheet and your game engine supports it use the following:

rotation = true